A literacy routine which is embedded into a child’s daily routines is helpful for promoting emergent literacy.
Children’s home literacy environment consists of the experiences, attitudes, and materials pertaining to literacy that they encounter and interact with at home.
Literacy, rooted in social interactions, begins before birth and expands rapidly in the preschool years. Adults provide components that strengthen the basic foundation associated with literacy.
A literacy routine is the regular use of a variety of techniques to enhance children’s abilities to listen, observe, imitate, and to develop their language, reading and writing skills. In selecting purposeful activities and projects for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, adults may use familiar experiences that are appropriate and relevant to children’s daily lives and build upon the foundation of the children’s prior knowledge.
Having regular routines where children can explore and play with literacy objects (for example, books and writing tools) to develop literacy skills and explore literacy-related ideas Lawhon, T. (2000). Creating Language and Print Awareness Environments for Young Children. Contemporary Education, 71(3), 5. Honig, A. (Ed.) (2014). Fostering Early Language with Infants and Toddlers. Montessori Life, 26(2), 28–31. Rosenquest, B. B. (2002). Literacy-based planning and pedagogy that supports toddler language development. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(4), 241-249.
Play is a powerful force in developing literacy routines. When babies coo, babble, and smile at their parents or caregivers, they need a response. Researchers call this "serve and return” interactions and believe it is the key in establishing strong brain architecture.
As children grow older, they attempt to say certain sounds or even words. A toddler may say "bah" for ball, and her adult caregiver will respond by saying, "Yes! That's a ball! It's blue and bouncy!" In this example, the toddler is making connections between words and objects or actions and learning new vocabulary through interaction with an adult.
Strong oral language development contributes to later reading success and happens most naturally through this kind of interactive, language-rich play.
Written language is also part of the literacy routine. Large crayons and paper lend support for early attempts at writing and drawing.
Writing is a system of abstract symbols that represent the spoken word. Young children take years to build the foundation they need to be able to make sense of print. An important aspect of this process is being able to understand these abstract symbols.
Children learn that real things can be represented by symbols when they play and use hands-on materials. For example, a toddler might pretend that his wooden block is a phone to call Daddy. Children engage in symbolic activities like these throughout the early years of childhood. They begin to find meaningful ways to bring letter symbols into their play scenarios very slowly, especially in a print-rich environment and with adult guidance. This gradual progression is very important. When children use symbols in their play with materials in many ways, it builds a strong foundation for understanding the abstract symbols in our print system.
Play provides opportunities for children to use literacy objects (for example, books and writing tools), develop literacy skills, and explore literacy-related ideas.
It is beneficial to have a
- Lawhon, T. (2000). Creating Language and Print Awareness Environments for Young Children. Contemporary Education, 71(3), 5.
- Kupetz, B. N., & Green, E. J. (1997). Sharing Books with Infants and Toddlers: Facing the Challenges. Young Children, 52(2), 22–27.
- Lawhon, T. (2000). Creating Language and Print Awareness Environments for Young Children. Contemporary Education, 71(3), 5.
Concrete sources of first print are object names and words on cereal boxes, clothing labels, and toy packages. As a result, children learn about letters and words that they can then transfer to the abstract. Adults teach children important concepts about print, including left to right and top to bottom directionality,
The value of print awareness and how it is used is illustrated by taking children on a walk to read and recognise the different shapes and colours of signs. A discussion about what each sign means will help them see why signs are important.
Making labels of things in their environment with children and letting them learn to write their names is also helpful. Children at the emergent stage of literacy development are beginning to recognise the relationship between alphabetic symbols and the sounds they represent. Children also increasingly understand that print conveys meaning. Additionally, they also learn that the tools of writing leads to experimentation. Children’s names are related to their identity. Seeing and hearing their names introduce them to the relationship between sounds and print. Being exposed to the sounds in their names is a start to their awareness of sound and how they can be translated into words and print.
Exposure to different kinds of books is helpful in building young children’s literacy orientation. Picture books, with and without words, allow for conversations about books. As young children experience quality literature at home or in early childhood education settings, they begin to identify objects in illustrations, and become familiar with how books are organised.
Children’s environments influence their learning. This implies that some of their first books should be very durable: touchable, bendable, and even lickable! Such books may be made of nontoxic laminated cardboard, vinyl, or cloth. Effective infant and toddler books are simply designed and brightly illustrated. They are often concept books with plain, uncomplicated backgrounds and brief, simple illustrations and texts.
Music also gives children easy access into practicing language and deciphering meaning. Singing songs with infants and toddlers can help develop dual language learning, receptive and expressive skills and phonemic awareness. Honig, A. S. (2017). Language insights for caregivers with young children. Early Child Development and Care, 187(3-4), 527–541. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2016.1263917 Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2010). Beyond Twinkle, Twinkle: Using Music with Infants and Toddlers. Young Children, 65(2), 14–19. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ898687&site=ehost-live