Physical & Motor Development
Gross Motor Development
WiseTip: PM-GMO-M0818-E01B

Provide close supervision as your baby learns to move and explore the home environment, especially places, such as stairways and doorways.


The time spent outdoors is an essential determining factor of children’s physical activity and independent mobility.

A cross-sectional study detected an association between equipment use and infant motor development. Findings suggest that infants who have high equipment use tend to score lower on infant motor development or that infants who have low equipment use tend to score higher on infant motor development.

The stepping reflex looks like a primitive walking response since it has appeared in a wide range of situations.

When stepping is exercised regularly, babies are likely to walk several weeks earlier than if stepping is not practised.
  1. Zelazo, N. A., Zelazo, P. R., Cohen, K. M., & Zelazo, P. D. (1993). Specificity of practice effects on elementary neuromotor patterns. Developmental Psychology, 29(4), 686.

An effective learning space provides infants with a variety of opportunities to practise their evolving motor skills repeatedly.